Gurukul educational & skill Development has been running under Gurukul educational & skill Development Trust registered under the Indian Trust Act 1882 Govt of India. Gurukul educational & skill Development is also registered under Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Govt. of India. Its Registration No.(UAN No.) is BR300054722. Gurukul educational & skill Development has been certified by international standard organization ISO 9001:2015 And found to be of the quality management system standard .Gurukul educational & skill Development offers training related to software hardware & networking , account, management, IT , skill development and diffirent other sectors.
Provide computer education to the highest unreached people and pramote community participation for local development.
Provide specific need-based computer education and training opportunities for continuous professional development and skill upgradation to in services professionals. Our promises are to use our honestly, Sincerity and hardworking capacity of faculties to build up the bright futures of our students through the computer education.